Virtual Events vs Hybrid Events vs Face-to-face

virtual events

What's the Difference Anyways?!

Events are and will continue to be one of the best forms of communication for companies. The benefits are indisputable: construction and brand recognition, optimization of external and internal relationships, new contacts and lead generation, just to name a few.

There are many desired goals when organizing an event, as well as several options on how to carry it out. Many moons ago, there was only one possibility: face-to-face encounters. But while it is true that direct contact is an infallible method of connecting people, it has several limitations.

The unstoppable progress of technology and they way its being used has eliminated some of the barriers of physical encounters, fostering the birth of two alternatives: virtual events and hybrid events. The first of them is developed in a virtual online platform, while the hybrid events suppose a mix of physical and virtual, integrating elements of each one.

Like all things business related, the variety and the possibility of having several options is a plus. But, at the same time, creates a challenge for those who are responsible for planning and making decisions because, as we all know well, the more alternatives that exist, the more confusing the correct option appears.

While face-to-face, hybrid and virtual events all have their advantages, the big obstacle is to determine which of them is the most appropriate depending on the needs of a company. It’s extremely helpful to know each one in depth and study what each of these alternatives offers.

Face-to-Face Events: The Value of Direct Contact

Whether the objective is to present a product or service, attract and retain customers or develop a recreational activity for employees, personal contact is and has always been extremely important. Closeness and face-to-face are two powerful communication and connection tools.

This is the goal that is pursued when organizing an event: connect with people at various levels. And in this sense, the closer the contact is, the more opportunities we will have to achieve it. Or at least, in a more personal and close way.

But face-to-face events also have a number of disadvantages which affect organizations. Mainly they are:

The profitability of these types of meetings, when compared with virtual events or hybrids, is much lower, since the costs of hiring to carry them out are multiplied: rent of the premises, insurance, hiring of personnel or displacements, among others.

Geographic and time barriers are a huge limitation when organizing a face-to-face event. Participants must travel and usually take up a lot of their time in order to be able to attend, while online meetings make it easier for a larger number of people to attend any type of event from any location. All you need is a computer or mobile device with an Internet connection. Therefore, the facilities increase exponentially.

Even as vaccinations continue to roll-out, there are still strict rules for face-to-face events. The CDC continues to recommend that people avoid large events and gatherings. Attendees that are from different households should always be able to maintain 6 feet between them. Event planners have to consider venue logistics to a T. For example, can doors or windows be opened throughout the event? 

Technology has allowed virtual and hybrid events to have real-time access to all the data related to the meetings. This offers the company immediate and accurate information on the ROI, which will allow them to study and improve the quality of present and future events. 

Obviously, the results of attendance at a face-to-face event are also measurable, but the immediacy and the analysis tools are more limited.

Virtual Events: Innovation for Companies


The evolution of computers and mobile devices, together with the emergence of 3D technology has led to a paradigm shift in the organization of corporate activities. Virtual events provide an online platform in which all players connect in a virtual environment that completely breaks up the restrictions of physical environments.

They have become tools with extraordinary value if the company has delegations in several geographical areas, when the participation of a large number of attendees is sought or if their employees do not work in the offices, but in a remotely.

Its uses are endless: webinars, videoconferences, virtual training activities, webcasts, online conferences, Team Building activities… in short, it’s about adapting all the traditional formats to a virtual world.

But its advantages don’t stop there. Virtual 3D worlds allow to not only connect hundreds of people simultaneously from their mobile devices, but to also interact with voice and movements, positioning this technology as the indisputable future of online events.

This is possible thanks to the integration of online avatars, capable of simulating each of the participants, even imitating their physical appearance with great realism. They also allow recreating scenarios in which they can interact and communicate in a very effective way.

This reality is possible thanks to the contribution of companies such as Virtway Events, which puts the most advanced 3D technology in the hands of companies to open the doors to a “real” virtual world. One of the advantages of this platform is that avatars can hold conversations and speak through voice over IP in a very natural way.

In conclusion, the advantages of virtual events are multiplied if we compare them with other ways:

  • Greater participation of the attendees
  • Broader attendance
  • Important cost reduction
  • Higher profitability
  • Eco-friendly
  • Immersive and innovative experiences

Hybrid Events: The Union of Both Worlds

These types of meetings simultaneously offer physical and online experiences. The objective being that the attendees interact amongst themselves without any physical barriers, complementing that of face-to-face events with the infused power of the digital world.

In a hybrid event it’s possible to attend lectures, conferences, workshops or any corporate activity face-to-face, but also online. This is achieved by transmitting a conventional event online through live transmission or by configuring a virtual space that reflects the physical event.

The main advantage of this type of meeting is that it unites the benefits of virtual and face-to-face events, taking advantage of the best of each world.

But just as this can be taken as a benefit, it can also be a great disadvantage. And this is because when it comes to organizing a hybrid event, the logistics multiply. On the one hand, it’s necessary to have all the necessary elements for a physical encounter and the expenses that these imply (travel, room and material rentals), and at the same time the necessary infrastructure of an online event and many times VR tools must be added.

When taking all of these pros and cons into account, it’s generally safe to say that virtual events are the best option, since to carry them out, the physical barriers are totally eliminated and it is not always necessary to use VR glasses, as in the case of Virtway Events. Thus, expenses are greatly reduced without limiting the live experience of an immersive and innovative situation.