How to Be Successful in a Virtual Job Fair

virtual job fair

When looking for new job opportunities nowadays, the sky is the limit with all the new technological advances and tools available giving you direct access the best job offers. Many of these promising resources grant you access to job descriptions, but what if you could do an interview (or more!) on the spot at the same time… without even having to leave your house?

This is what virtual job fairs offer, a unique opportunity to have first-hand contact with companies that are looking for talent. They are the alternative to a traditional job fair, and have been consolidated as the preferred space for employers and employees to establish their first relationship.

The advantages offered by Virtway Events when it comes to looking and finding a job are endless, especially because they allows you to turn in your resume directly to countless companies without moving from your desk. Virtway Events makes this possible via their online platform where all career fair participants can connect with each other in a virtual environment, minimizing time and cost. Both job seekers and recruiters can access the virtual event from any computer, smartphone or tablet with internet connection, from any location and with great schedule flexibility.

Companies, on the other hand, offer all the alternatives that a virtual employment office provides but with an added value: online they can share all kinds of corporate information, from videos to brochures or links to frequently asked questions. Thus, the candidate will know at all times everything related to the job that they are opting for.

Technology Amping Up Employment

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These online fairs must be focused primarily on providing effective answers to those who don’t yet know how to get a job on a virtual platform, so they must be designed to ensure effective recruitment.

The events that Virtway Events organizes are stimulating experiences for its participants, with actions that allow them to live out real situations, but in a virtual world. Virtway Events is equipped with the latest technological developments and offers instant video and chat services, through which candidates can send live questions to the recruiters, or even conduct interviews in real time.

There are also a number of creative and highly innovative alternatives, like Virtway Event’s the 3D virtual platform, which goes one step further when it comes to the celebration of any virtual online event, not just for virtual job fairs, but also in virtual training activities, onboarding methods, internal meetings, etc.

One of the unique aspects of Virtway Events if their interactive 3D avatars, which simulate each of one of the remote candidates and the manager of the contracting companies, with the goal of creating real and first-hand experiences in a virtual world.

Formulas for Success in a Virtual Career Fair

Prior to attending an online event, it’s important to know with certainty that the process for all parties starts long before the beginning of the fair. With that in mind, it’s necessary to plan out your visit to be sure that finding a job from home is possible, and it requires a strategy.

These are the steps that you should take to best prepare for a virtual job fair:

1. Update your resume

Even though it’s a virtual fair, don’t forget about your CV. It’s the best resource you have to be able to access job offers and get the attention of recruiters. It’s important to focus not only on past professional experiences, but the key strengths that you bring to the table in terms of value and knowledge.

2. Research the companies attending the event

Information is power, and that couldn’t be further from the truth in this case. It’s essential to know as many details as posible about the companies that are recruiting, their values, mission and identity. Their corporate websites are a good source of data to get started, and it can be complemented by examining their profiles in LinkedIn and Facebook to know more about the jobs they are offering and even the corportate tone that they use to communicate. All this information has an extraordinary value for the interview.

3. Review all the offered positions

To increase the chances of finding a job, it’s important to have a precise idea of where you want to direct your professional career and what position you aspire to achieve. Before the career fair, it’s recommended to study the profiles required and which positions are being offered in order to focus your search on those that meet your expectations.

4. Register in advance for workshops

During the job fair, there will likely be different workshops and meetings that will give you the opportunity to ask questions directly to the recruiters. It’s important to plan out which of them you’re most interested in, and to jt down some topics to discuss and questions you may want answered.

5. Prepare the itinerary

Developing a guide that summarizes all your points of interest will allow the meetings and interviews to be organized in advance, so you won’t miss any interesting opportunities.

Video-interview: the key moment

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The best opportunity you have to make yourselves known and show your talent in a virtual job fair will undoubtedly be given in the direct encounter with the company. Video interviews are becoming more and more common in selection processes, but many candidates are still uncomfortable with this way of finding job.

Without a doubt, this moment must be prepared as if it were a face-to-face interview. However, this format has its own particularities, and it is advisable to take these details into account before virtually connecting with an interviewer:

  •  Check the connection

There’s nothing worse than being in the middle of an online conversation and have your internet go in and out. And even more so in this case, when a future job may be at stake. There will be times when nothing can be done about it, but you need to at least make sure you have the details that you can control in order, such as whether your battery is charged (if you’re using a laptop or phone) or if you have decent access to the internet connection.

  • Rehearse before the first virtual face-to-face

If you’re not used to doing video interviews, it may feel uncomfortable. To avoid this situation, the best thing to do is practice. You can give it a go with a friend or acquaintance, someone who could give you some advice on how what aspects need improving. This also gives the opportunity to examine your surroundings in the background. Make sure your don’t have dirty clothes or an untidy room for the interviewee to look at.

  • Give a good image

As in face-to-face interviews, the image shown says a lot about yourself, and in this case, the preparation must be the same. You must take care of your appearance, choose the right clothes and maintain a correct posture.

In essence, a good strategy to be successful in a virtual job fair definitely involves planning all the steps of the process, even before it takes place. This will give you the best opportunities to show your talent and achieve the ultimate goal: to get a job at a virtual career fair.